4.6 Designing for Motivation

How do educational technologist include motivation in the design of educational experiences and products? In addition to the ideas presented above, John Keller’s ARCS model is useful for providing guidelines. This model was developed by synthesizing many of the motivational theories highlighted above. The acronym ARCS stands for:

  • Attention—start by gaining the learner’s attention by arousing curiosity or presenting a problem to be solved.
  • Relevance—demonstrate to the learner that the lesson will be useful to them or consistent with their goals.
  • Confidence—create an expectation of success.
  • Satisfaction—enhance the learners’ feelings of satisfaction by providing appropriate rewards for achievement.

To achieve these four goals, Keller (Keller & Suzuki, 20014) outlines a ten-step design process, which is discussed in the chapter focusing on instructional design. See the ARCS Model website for more information.


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