
Transitions: Answer Key

Alys Avalos-Rivera and Yelin Zhao

Activity 1

Q 1: Themes and Features in Contrast Q 2: sentence number in which contrasting features are discussed: Q3: Transition word is in sentence:
1 Cheating:

  • General belief: graduate students are less likely to cheat.
  • Graduate students are as likely to cheat as their undergraduate counterparts.
2 2
2 Research on Turnitin educational use to control plagiarism:

  • In individual programs
  • In institutions as a whole
2 2
3 Copying from other students is considered plagiarism.

  •  Students considered copying as a different kind of cheating.
2 2
  • Student plagiarism is increasing.
  • Policies to control academic misconduct do not do much to prevent it.
1 and 2 2
  • Students were expected to plagiarize more often from electronic sources than from paper sources.
  • Evidence shows no difference in plagiarism rates of the two types of sources.
1 and 2 2
6 Instructors expected that software would solve all their problems detecting plagiarism.

  • Software is just a tool among many.
1 and 2 2

Activity 2

1. [Although professors and classroom teachers are extremely busy with all of their duties], adding components of job searching to teacher preparation will help candidates start their careers.

The second clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The writer wants to emphasize why it is important to add a job searching component to teacher education programs.

2. [Although many reading specialists would probably argue that reading is the most important skill students need to develop], the need to integrate technology into the school curriculum should not be overlooked.

The second clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The emphasis is on integrating technology into the school curriclum.

3. [Although I still would like to find a way to increase my brain capacity], my interest has shifted toward student learning and brain development over the past several decades.

The second clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The writer focuses on his/her present interest in student learning and brain development.

4. [Although research is less clear about the appropriate test level for academically gifted students], Warne (2014) conducted a study in which gifted students were tested above level with a test that was 2 years more advanced than their grade level.

The second clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The central message is about the one study conducted by Warne.

5. [Although the literature is mixed concerning whether online discussion boards are conducive to fostering students’ critical thinking skills], strong evidence suggests it is a learning environment ripe with possibilities for doing so.

The second clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The author wants to emphasize on the important role of online discussion as a learning environment.

6. Learning is fundamental to life itself and we probably internalize from every life situation and experience, [although we are not conscious of much of it].

The first clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The writer focuses on the importance of learning in everyday life.

7. No local dengue fever cases were reported in 2013, [although cases may have been underreported because of local physicians were not familiar with the disease].

The first clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The emphasis is on the absence of dengue fever cases as reported in 2013.

8. Historically, counselors have not been involved in the academic mission of the school (Adelman, 2002; House & Hayes, 2002), [although recent research suggests an urgent need for them to be (Adelman, 2002; Clark & Amatea, 2004)].

The first clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The writer is focused on the function that school counselors have historically fulfilled.

10. Most test-takers managed to complete both choice exercises, [although some only answered the first one].

The first clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The emphasis is on the fact that most test-takers finished the two optional exercises included in the test.

11. All the plants remained alive at the end of seawater treatments, [although their vitality was strongly reduced].

The first clause (underlined) carries the central message of the passage. The min idea centers on the fact that the plants survived the experiment.


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Transitions: Answer Key Copyright © 2020 by Alys Avalos-Rivera and Yelin Zhao is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.