
5 The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching at Basic Education Level in Delta State: Implications for Teachers.

Ajudeonu Helen Ihieonyemolor (Ph.D)


With the advancement in information communication and technology (ICT) the world today is experiencing digital revolution in every spheres of life. There are rapid technological advancement which are transforming the processes and practices of education to meet the challenges of the 21st century teaching and learning,. This paper examines the role of ICT in teaching at the Basic Education Level and Implications for teachers. The concept and types of ICT used for teaching and learning were discussed. It viewed the Basic Education Objectives, features and its application at the basic education level. The roles of ICT at in teaching and learning for both teachers and learners were explained. Finally, it highlighted the implications for teacher to include, training and retraining of teachers, recruiting teachers with ICT skills and competencies, making ICT as a compulsory course in all institutions involved in teachers’ preparation, among others. Teachers pedagogical practices should be ICT compliant.


The rapid growth in Information Communication and Technologies (ICT) have brought remarkable changes in twenty-first century and affected every facet of life and the modern society. ICT is becoming increasingly important in our daily lives as well as in educational system Buabeng Andoh (2012) Therefore, there is the growing demand and necessity to use ICT in teaching and learning at the basic education level.

Teaching and learning has gone beyond the teacher standing in front of group of students and disseminating information to them without the students’ adequate participation. But with the aid of ICT, teachers can take students beyond traditional limit, ensure adequate participation in teaching learning process. ICT in teaching enhance the quality of teacjing and learning. ICT provide encouragement for teacher and students on knowledge and skills acquisition, making teaching and learning more visible Radloff (2001) opined that ICT encouraged collaboration and team work among teachers and learners, offering greater access to learning for more people and increasing the skill and status of the school teachers.

Ononyekan (2013) defined education as an aggregate of all the process of learning by which an individual develops his/her abilities attitudes and other forms of behaviour which are positive values to the society he lives in. Education is aimed at developing and preparing the individual for survival in the society. Surviving in this age depends on access to information and ICT is seen as the bedrock to all necessary educational information at preparing students at the Basic Education level. Aware of the significance of ICT educational programmes in the world several measures had been adopted to facilitate acquisition of ICT education by enhancement of teachers training programmes to enable teacher play effective role in teaching and learning at the basic education level.

Concept of Information and Communication Technology

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in its widest sense are technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, organize, disseminate, store and manage information. (Chaka (2008) and Efediogho (2002). Information and Communication Technology (ICT) then connotes the designed production application and means, modes and devices for managing storing and disseminating information Isoun (2006) describes information and Communication Technology as a term used to indicate a whole range of technologies involved in internal, electronic mail and video conferencing. This concept is buttressed by Yusuf (2007) expressing ICT to include electronic technologies used for accessing, processing, gathering manipulating, presenting and communicating information.

Abolade and Yusuf (2005) viewed Information and Communication Technology in relation to mainly studying concepts skills, processes and application of electronic devices. Here the concept embraces both scientific principles and artistic ingenuity put into the design, production, application and management of the ICT tools. ICT is a method to improve principle, method and device applied in the aspect of human communication.

In the same vein, Grace (2003) opined that ICT is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing, radio, television cellular phone, computer and network, hardware and software, satellite systems as well as various services and applications associated with them such us video conferencing and distance learning. Therefore making information and communication technology include a full range of computer hardwares computer softwares and communication facilities.

Information and Communication Technology is a collective term for computer, soft ware, networks satellites, link related systems that allow people to access, analyze, create exchange and use data information and knowledge in ways that until recently were almost unimaginable (Beebe 2004). For him, ICT is the processing and maintenance of information and the use of all forms of computers, communication Networks and mobile technologies to mediate information. According to Nasiru and Bashiru (2015) communication technologies ICT include all that is employed in transmitting audio, video, data, or multimedia such as cable satellite, fiber optics wireless (Radio, Bluetooth, Wikipedia) network technology personal area network (PAN) campus area network (CAN) internets extranets LANS, MANs and the internet computer technologies include all removable media such as optical disc, dick, flash removable, video books and multimedia projectors interactive electronic and continuous emerging states of the arts.

In 2004, America Association on Information Technology (AAIT) described information ICT as the capability of electronically input process store output that transmit, receive data and information including: text, graphics, sound and video as well as the ability to control machine of all kinds electronically. ICT refers to the generalized technologies involved in information. It includes the radio, video, computers, sensors, mail and other machines and technologies used in education for teaching and learning. Grace (2003) added that ICT constitutes of facilities that could be use to complement teaching and learning. It also promotes the development of information technology in the context of using ICT as a teaching and learning facilities for the improvement of education.

Information and Communication Technology ICT has become within a short time one of the basic building blocks of modern society. Many countries now regard the usage, understanding and mastering of basic skills and concepts of ICT as part of the core education alongside reading, writing and numeracy. Information and communication technology now supports teaching and learning and a range of activities in education. Similarly the teacher cannot be left out since the knowledge of ICT would enhance the effectiveness and development of better teachers in Nigeria.

Types of Information and Communication for Teaching Learning

Information and Communication Technology for teaching and learning many facets Technology is a force that operates in many facets of life and in many fields of study depending on the area of application. There are many types of ICT according to Tinio (2002) as cited by Nasiru and Bashiru (2015). They include:

  • Active learning – learner (students) learn as they do and wherever appropriate work on real life problems in-depth making learning less abstract and more relevant to the learner life situation learning. In this way learning is contrast to memorization or rate learning ICT enhances learning and promotes increased learner engagements. The learner can choose what to learn and when to learn it.
  • Collaborative learning: there is co-operation among students, teachers and experts regardless of individual differences and class. Apart from real world interaction, ICT supported learning provides learners opportunity to work with people from different cultures thereby helping to enhance learners teaming and communication skills as well as their global awareness. (Adjudeonu & Idiagbe 2014).
  • Creative learning – ICT supported learning promotes the manipulation of existing information and the creation of a real world products rather than the regulation of received information. Education and learning is best nourished in a creative setting where learners are encouraged to innovate and invest ideas and concept as well as utility programmes
  • Integrative learning: integrative learning is an approach that facilitates the mitotic, interactive and holistic approach to teaching and learning. It eliminates the artificial separation between the different discipline and between theory and practice that characterize the traditional setting.
  • Evaluative learning: Learning in this setting is diagnostic, since the setting is for learners, so the learner is capable of discovering his/her strengths and weaknesses and allowing him/her to choose between alternative approaches to solution in solving problems.
  • E- learning, Wikipedia (2020) defined E-learning as all forms of electronic assisted teaching and learning. It is a learning mode which depend heavily in information and communication facilities which serve as the media for learning. E-learning uses various types of ICT tools for learning, rallying on the use of electronic applications and processes to acquire knowledge and skills. Some of the E-learning modes include computers, mobile phones, networks, web-based learning, virtual classrooms, digital collaborations, audio-conferring , video-conferring and such like. Here the learner is free and have access to information knowledge and skill from wherever in the globe.
  • Blended learning: Another term that is gaining currency is blended learning. This refers to learning models that combine traditional classroom practice with e-learning solutions (Tinio 2002). For example students in a traditional class can be assigned both print based and on line based materials, have online mentoring session with their teacher through chat, and can subscribe to a class email list. Blended learning was prompted by the recognition that not all learning is best advice in an electrically mediated environment but sometimeslife instructor is needed to achieve the optimum objectives of the lesson.
  • Open and Distance learning: Open and Distance learning as expressed by Keegani (2000) is a way of providing learning opportunities that are characterized by the separation of teacher and learner in time and space or learning by the use of a variety of media including print and electronic two way communication that allow learners and teacher to interact.

Basic Education

Basic education is the bedrock on which the sustainability of every nation is anchored. Basic education is the prerogative of every human being. Basic education constitutes an essential component of developmental strategy as well as the priority of any developing country. Its importance is recognized all over the world hence it was the focus of Education for All (EFA) movement led by UNESCO and featured as goal number 5 in the sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) which replaced the MDGs. Basic education is the basic foundation for sustainable life – long learning. It inculcates reading, writing and numeracy skills. It is both formal and non-formal system of education with a range of activities and programmes designed to enhance functional literacy skills. International classification of Education (ISCED) categorized basic Education into primary and lower secondary education.

In Nigeria, Basic Education is referred to Universal Basic Education (UBE). The Universal Basic Education includes primary, junior secondary, Nomadic and Adult literacy programme in Nigeria. According to Okonkwo and Obindi (2013) Universal basic Education (UBE) encompasses the following levels of education in a hierarchical order. Early childhood care Development – pre-school /Nursery/Kindergarten, primary Education, Junior secondary Education and Non-formal Education. Here the basic Education include children, adolescent, young and adults who did not start school early as well as special needs persons. Universal Basic Education was introduced in 1999 by the Federal Government of Nigeria as an educational programme with the aim of providing greater access to, and ensuring quality of basic education throughout Nigeria.

The UBE objectives programme include:

Ensuring an uninterrupted access to 9-year formal education by providing free and compulsory basic education for every child of school going age under.

  • Providing Early Childhood Care Development and Education (ECCDE)
  • Six years of primary Education
  • Three years of Junior secondary Education
  • Reducing school drop-out and improving relevance, quality and efficiency
  • Acquisition of literacy, numeracy, life skills and values for life long education and useful living.

Universal basic Education Act 2004

  • The Federal Government intervention shall provide assistance to the states and local government throughout Nigeria.
  • Every government in Nigeria shall provide free, compulsory and universal basic education for every child of primary and junior secondary school age
  • Every parent should ensure that his/her child or ward attends and completes
  • Primary school education and
  • Junior secondary school education
  • The stakeholders in education in a local government area shall endure that every parent or person who has the care and custody of a child performs the duty imposed on him/her under the universal Basic Education Act 2004.
  • Transition from primary to Junior secondary school (JSS) should be automatic; as basic education terminator at the Junior secondary school level thus entrance examination may no longer be necessary. Emphasis will be placed on effective continuous assessment, while final examination and certification will now be done at the end of the nine-year basic education programme.

The secondary school system should be restructured so as to ensure that JSS component is disarticulated from the senior secondary school (SSS) as stipulated in the National Policy on Education (NPE, 2004).

Basic Features of the UBE Programme

  • Free formal Basic Education
  • Compulsory uninterrupted nine years of primary and Junior secondary school education
  • Emphasis on curriculum diversification and relevance to effectively and adequate cover individual and community needs and aspirations
  • Disarticulation of Junior secondary school from senior secondary schools.
  • Introduction of rudiment of computer literacy
  • Appropriate continuous teacher professional development
  • Community ownership of schools including participation in decision making process in schools.

Information and Communication Technology and Basic Education

Information and Communication Technology Education in Nigeria and the policy of the government should describe the steps by which computers and laptops will be placed on schools. The basic emphasize should be on how teachers and students should be provided with basic computer programming skills. In a need analysis conducted by universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) in the area of ICT infrastructure in the basic education sector revealed that only eight states 22% can be said to be ICT complaints (Onocha 2013). In a similar research by Ajudeonu and Idiaghe (2014) it was evidenced that many teachers do not have much exposure in using computers or internet for collaborative learning and they lacked competence on the use of ICT services. The only way to develop awareness and that teachers and learners would benefit from ICT teaching and learning is through the provision of ICT infrastructures in Basic Schools.

Researchers and discussions in Education have satisfactorily orchestrated the potentials of Nigerian children to be ICT complaints. ICT is seen as a way to promote educational changes, improve the skills of learners and prepare them for global economy and the information society.

ICT vision of promoting an ICT Education to meet the human resources requirements of the nation in attaining and enhancing sustainable socio-economic development, global competiveness as well as individual ability to survive in a contemporary environment (Federal Ministry of Education 2010) it has become imperative for every school child to be ICT complaint in view of the fact that all examination are done on line including the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB). Therefore to meet the education need of Nigerian children in a world governed by technology, educational institution at the Basic Education level must adopt ICT in carrying teaching and Learning on all its ramifications.

Roles of Information Communication and Technology at Basic Education Level

The role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have become common place entities in all aspects of life. With education, ICT has begun to have a presence but the impact on Basic Education is not as extensive as in other fields like banking and finance. Education is very socially oriented activity and quality education has been traditionally been associated with strong teachers having high degrees of personal contact with the learners. But with the role of ICT in education many changes will be brought to facets in teaching and learning and between the teacher and the learner.

For teachers:

  • Information Communication and Technology offers the teacher new roles that prepare learners to manipulate information for solving social political and economic problems.
  • According to Jonkins and Springer (2000) ICT is a willing instructional tool which the teacher can use to present information and manage class activities in order to help students achieve educational goals.
  • ICT facilitates the sharing of resources and advices with learners
  • ICT gives access to update student, with data anytime and anywhere (Ajudeonu & Idiaghe 2014)
  • ICT encourages critical thinking and offers unlimited means of achieving educational goals
  • ICT enhances efficiency and effectiveness in teaching at the Basic Education level.
  • The quality in teaching various subject and lessons could be improved through the use of ICT.
  • Also ICT can enhance the knowledge on the part of the teachers on problem solving skills thereby improving the delivery and access to knowledge and improve the curriculum.
  • ICT help the teacher to get students do more task; and computers used during lesson motivates students to continue learning outside school hours. (Backer 2000).
  • ICT usage in teaching enhances professional image of the teacher. Ajudeonu & Idiaghe (2014).

For learner (Students)

  • The field of education has been affected by ICT, which have undoubtedly affected teaching and learning. ICT have the potential to innovate, accelerate, enrich and deepen skills. This helps students to relate school experience to work practices, strengthening learning among students (Yusuf 2005)
  • Ajudeonu & Idiaghe (2014) stressing on the relevance of ICT to the learner in the classroom highlighted the following.
  • ICT increases the flexibility of delivery of education so that learners can access knowledge anytime and from anywhere. Easy access to learning where students can now browse through e-books, sample examination papers, previous year papers and also have easy access to resource persons, mentors, experts, researchers professionals and peers.
  • ICT increase learner motivation and engagement by facilitating the acquisition of basic skills
  • ICT are transformational tools which when used appropriately can promote the shift to a learner centred environment.
  • It gives students opportunities to address their work to an external audience and to collaborate on assignments with people outside or inside school.
  • ICT provides the encouragement of independent and active learning- and self responsibility for learning.
  • ICT helps learners to develop their individual intellectual and creative abilities by providing higher interactive potentials. (Samuel and Ede 2005).
  • ICT significantly engages students’ interest as well as encouraging active learning and self responsibility in learning.
  • Regular use of ICT across different curriculum subjects can have beneficial motivational influences on student learning.

Barriers to Effective use of ICT in Teaching and Learning at Basic Education Level

As much as Information Communication and Technology is being advocated to be used in teaching and learning at Basic Education Level, there are barriers which could hinder the effectiveness.

  • Lack of competency and skills status: Lack of human skill knowledge and competence to fully employ ICT in teaching in the education sector (Samuel and Ede 2002).
  • Inadequate ICT infrastructural facilities Basic: ICT facilities like electric, telephone lines, well ventilated classrooms and air conditioned classrooms are unavailable in our schools.
  • Cost of consumers and cost of ownership: The cost of ICT services are expensive and owning a computer /laptops by staff and students is great problem due to the high cost.
  • Non viability of ICT instruction materials: in our basic schools in Nigeria, Yusuf (2005) reported in his investigation on teachers. Self-efficiency is implementation of computer education found out that most teachers in schools do not have the needed experience in the use of computer in teaching.
  • The level of ICT awareness of the people: Many people in the rural areas have very low awareness of the use of ICT. Apart from the cell phone used by some of them, majority of the people are still ICT illiterate.
  • Lack of technical knowledge for the maintenance of both hardware and software components of ICT equipment.
  • Poor school environments: In Nigeria schools in rural areas are yet to have access to common computers and this non availability posses a threat.

Implications for Teachers and Recommendations

The importance of ICT is quite evident from contemporary studies of the use in all facets of life. The emergence of information communication and Technology (ICT) has helped the society in diverse ways. The field of education has been affected by ICTs which have undoubted, affected teaching and learning. These has implications for teachers of the Basic Education level.

  • Great emphasis should be place on recruitment of teacher with appropriate ICT knowledge during the period of recruitment.
  • Teachers should be trained and retrained on continuous basis in order to possess the requisite knowledge of ICT so as to meet up with current technological trends in the society.
  • Computers and internet services should be provided in the schools where both teachers and students have access to ICT in teaching and learning.
  • Teachers should develop ICT pedagogical competencies
  • Sufficient facilities and resources should be provided to in-service and pre-service teachers to practice the ICTs in teaching learning process.
  • Environment should be provided for teachers to develop ICTS based competencies.
  • ICT should be a compulsory course in all teacher preparation institutions like the Colleges of Education, Polytechnics that offer education courses and faculties of education in the universities.
  • Workshops, seminars and conferences on ICT should be organized regularly for up-dating the skills and knowledge of teachers.
  • Government should urgently embark on the provision and installation of ICT facilities and the provision of constant power supply for teachers efficiency in the use of ICT in teaching and learning.
  • Every teacher must own a personal computer, laptop or other accessories for personal improvement and development.


The contemporary teacher need to have knowledge and skills on the use of ICT in teaching and learning process in the classroom. Teachers’ pedagogical practices should be influenced by the use of ICT. The use of ICT provides several kinds of materials, methods, skills and learning experiences. Utilization of ICT in teaching and learning can assist both teachers and learners. The use of ICT can help to make learners active participants, working on their pace becoming independent and having self motivation which facilitate mental development ICT has proven to be a very powerful tool in education.


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2021 Association for Digital Education and Communications Technology Conference Proceedings Copyright © by Felicia Ofuma Mormah Ph.D and Tutaleni I. Asino, PhD. All Rights Reserved.