
25 Tertiary Students Perception of the Use of Mobile Devices in Teaching and Learning in Delta North Senatorial Zone

Felicia Ofuma Mormah Ph.D; Joseph.O. Ukadike (PhD); Florence C. Omumu, PhD; Juliet .N. Ossai (PhD); and Mercy .A. Osagiede (PhD)


Students in tertiary institutions all over the world especially in Nigeria view learning from different perspectives using different modes and means. These perceptions are often influenced by the environment and resources available for learning. These resources may be both human, machine, technological tools/devices and physical facilities available. In this decade teaching and learning are undergoing revolutionary changes as a result of technological changes and influences altering the pattern of learning in the twenty first century. Mobile learning or m-learning is flexible education via the internet or network using personal mobile devices allowing students access to education anywhere, anytime. (webopedia.com 2018). A very high performance level is needed from members of academic staff for teaching and learning to be effective and efficient especially in this digital age. The study examined the Tertiary Students perception of the use of mobile learning in teaching and learning in Delta North Senatorial District. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Two research questions guided the study. The population of the study comprised of 112 undergraduate students of Delta state University in affiliation with College of Education, Agbor final year students. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the number of students. A structured questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion are instruments for data collection. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using spss statical package to find the mean rating scores and standard deviation, while the interview and focus group discussion were analyzed qualitatively. The result of the findings revealed that students perceived that lecturers who combine face to face i.e traditional and online method of teaching/learning are more efficient with a mean score of 3.31 and standard deviation of .771.

Key words: Tertiary students’ perception, mobile devices and mobile learning


Students in tertiary institutions all over the world especially in Nigeria view learning from different perspectives using different modes and means. These perceptions are often influenced by the environment and resources available for learning. These resources may be both human, machine, technological tools/devices and physical facilities available. In this decade teaching and learning are undergoing revolutionary changes as a result of technological changes and influences altering the pattern of learning in the twenty first century. Mobile learning or m-learning is flexible education via the internet or network using personal mobile devices allowing students access to education anywhere, anytime. (webopedia.com 2018). Vangie Beal (2020) defined Mobile learning as the education received via the internet or network using personal mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones to obtain learning materials through mobile apps, social interactions and online educational hubs. Mobile learning is education anywhere, any time and at one’s convenience. It is a flexible form of learning. A very high performance level is needed from members of academic staff for teaching and learning to be effective and efficient especially in this digital age.

Scope of Study

The study was anchored on two research questions. The population of the study is made of first year undergraduate students of Delta State University, Agbor campus and Final Year National Certificate in Education (NCE) students of College of Education, Agbor, Delta State

The scope of the study covers the students’ perception and effective of use of mobile teaching and learning devices in their institution.

Research Questions

The following research questions were posed to guide the study:

  • Do students and lecturers possess mobile devices for teaching and learning?
  • What are the factors that militate against the effective use of mobile devices for teaching and learning?

Method of Data analysis

This is a descriptive survey. A sample population of 112 students purposively selected from first year undergraduate students and final year N.C.E from Delta State University, Agbor Campus and College of Education, Agbor for the study.

A four -point Likert scale structured questionnaire was constructed and distributed to th selected students. Data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation.

In using the mean and standard deviation to answer the research question, any item with mean value ranging thus: 3.50 -4.49 = will be considered as strongly agreed (SA); 2.50-3.49 = Agree (A); 1.50 -2-49 =Disagree (D); 0.50 – 1.49 = strongly disagree (SD)










Most lecturers do not practice online teaching/learning for students





Most students possess mobile devices (android phones, iphones, ipad,laptops etc) for teaching/learning.





Most lecturers possess mobile devices used for online teaching/learning.





Lecturers use online assessment for students often.





Lecturers lack the competence to the use of online platforms for teaching/learning.





Students are willing to learn online & traditionally if given the opportunity.



Strongly Agreed


Students lack the competence to use the platform for learning.





Lecturers do not possess the devices for online teaching/learning.





Students do not possess the devices for online learning.





Male lecturers are more likely to utilize online teaching/learning platforms/devices than females.





Lecturers lack the knowledge for designing online teaching/learning instruments.





Students lack digital knowledge hence lecturers do not practice online assessment of learning outcomes.





The system permits only traditional teaching/learning strategies.





Most students are lazy to try new technologies.





Most lecturers are reluctant /lazy to try new technologies.





No lecturer uses online assessment in my department.





Lecturers who use blended teaching/learning i.e that combine traditional & online methods are more efficient.





Utilizing mobile devices for teaching/learning is too expensive.




Discussion of Finding

The result from the structured questionnaire revealed that both students’ and lecturers possess mobile devices that can be used for mobile teaching and learning in the institutions under study with a mean rating score of 3.38(student) and 2.72 for (lecturer) and standard deviation of .784 and .932 but students perceived that lecturers lack the competence & willingness to use online assessment for students often with a significant mean score of 2.54 and standard deviation .900, even when students are willing to learn online and traditionally if given the opportunity with a very significant mean score of 3.71. Students’ perceived that lecturers who combine face to face i.e traditional and online method of teaching/learning are more efficient with a mean score of 3.31 and standard deviation of .771 this is in line with Ejiofor and Osinem (2010) and Egboka (2012) who also suggested that students and teachers must have sufficient access to digital technologies and internet in their classrooms, teachers must have the knowledge and skills to use the new digital tools and resources to help all students achieve high academic standards and management of tertiary institutions should build links with external stakeholders to assist them in providing ICT facilities in their institutions and proper implementation of ICT policies in schools.

There is no gender bias on who is more likely to utilize online teaching/learning platforms devices. While students disagree the system of teaching and learning only permit traditional /face to face teaching strategies. They do not agree that students lack the digital knowledge with mean score of 2.27 and standard deviation of 1.004 but agree that lecturers the knowledge for designing online teaching/learning instrument with a mean score of 2.60 and standard deviation .923 that hinder lecturers from using mobile devices to teach.

However, students’ perceived that lecturers who use blended teaching and learning i.e that combine traditional & online methods are most efficient, even if they agreed that utilizing mobile devices for teaching and learning is too expensive with a mean score of 2.72 ad standard deviation of 1.050.

Educational Implications and Prospect

This study has far reaching educational implications especially for teachers and learners particularly during and after covid – 19 pandemic challenges which has made the need for utilizing mobile devices in teaching and learning more obvious and relevant than ever.

  • Utilizing mobile devices will likely impact positively on students by improving access to education because students’ learning is not confined only to the classroom and learning outcomes are more efficient because they have more access to open educational resources which guarantees positive learners’ conceptual perception of end users and provides unrestricted learning timetable.
  • It provides supplement information to support traditional teaching and learning.
  • It ensures group /learning collaboration .
  • Teacher/student ratio has no limit.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The evidence derived from the mean and standard deviation result of the study as well as the qualitative analysis of the focus group discussion of students, revealed that both lecturers and students possess personal mobile devices that can be used for both teaching and learning as well as for social interaction. This will make education more accessible and 0n-the-go. The teacher/student ratio will be expanded and the dream classroom beyond limit realized.

From the above conclusion, it is recommended that teachers should be more innovative and creatively utilize the mobile devices for teaching and learning effectiveness and enhancement.


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Vangie Beal : Mobile learning Retrieved from Webopedia.com 03/01/2020 http://www.webopedia.comTERM>M retrieved 25/3/18


2021 Association for Digital Education and Communications Technology Conference Proceedings Copyright © by Felicia Ofuma Mormah Ph.D and Tutaleni I. Asino, PhD. All Rights Reserved.