28 Intentional Open Learning Design in Action
Verena Roberts and Helen DeWaard
Anne-Marie Scott
This presentation aims to amplify the lens of open educational practices (OEPr) that encourages the negotiation of spaces (Cronin, 2017), emphasizes the importance of peer review and critical approaches to knowledge (Paskevicius & Irvine, 2017) and advocates for opening at the margins (Bali et al., 2020). As we collectively reflect on and move out of remote pandemic online practices, OEPr has provided accessible, flexible and authentic learning opportunities for higher education students. The presenters will share their personal experiences and conceptual frameworks that model an Open Learning Design through the development of personal learning pathways and self-regulated learning (Ehlers, 2011), whereby educators and learners co-design learning. This presentation will consider OERxDomains Theme 3 which focuses on open in action through the development and description of intentional open learning design.
The presenters will begin by describing why enhancing and expanding open, accessible human-centered online learning and alternative assessment practices are essential pedagogical approaches. Both presenters, as experienced online instructors, with over ten years of experience, and designers, will focus on the use of an open learning environment (e.g. open syllabus) and open engagement (e.g. blogs, Twitter chat) in their course designs. They will describe how their dissertation research merges and shapes their open learning design for all courses.
While independently offering their courses at different institutions across the country, the presenters developed similar open learning course designs. Contextual similarities include the fact that they both bring years of experience in K-12 teaching, and in supporting professional learning for teachers in learning design. They both integrate learning within and outside the learning management system, while considering alternative assessments through integrating blogging, social media and reflexive practices (Author and Author, in publication). Most importantly, they considered the open readiness of learners by scaffolding intentionally open learning practices which focus on the process of learning.
As the presenters share their narratives, learning principles, and open learning design framework, the participants will share personal experiences and teaching/learning contexts on a Padlet. We hope to share our ultimate goal of learning which is to develop deeper awareness of self-as-learner and a shift in praxis as a critical member of the world.