
Karen J Weyant

Trains have not used these tracks for years
  Still, I lean down to feel the trembling,
but all I feel is frozen steel,
  cold from melted February snow.

Still, I lean down to feel the trembling,
  like the dance of pennies on shaking rails,
cold from melted February snow,
  waiting for the rumblings of railway boxcars.

Like the dance of pennies on shaking rails,
  I feel something like a shiver.
Waiting for the rumblings of railway boxcars
  I know the weight of homesickness.

I feel something like a shiver
  from the scratch of winter’s edge.
I know the weight of homesickness
  is an ache that makes it hard to breathe.

From the scratch of winter’s edge,
  I almost believe that I could bleed from what
is an ache that makes it hard to breathe.
  I pull my coat tight around me.

I almost believe that I could bleed from what
  I feel is frozen steel.
I pull my coat tight around me.
  Trains have not used these tracks for years.


Karen J. Weyant’s first full-length collection, Avoiding the Rapture was published last fall by Riot in Your Throat press. Her poems have appeared in Crab Orchard Review, Copper Nickel, Harpur Palate, Fourth River, Lake Effect, Rattle, River Styx and Slipstream. She lives, reads and writes in Northern Pennsylvania but is an Associate Professor of English at Jamestown Community College in Jamestown, New York.

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