Wounded Healer

Darius Phelps

I couldn’t kill
my rage,
so I tried to kill
the parts of you
within me,

Just because I don’t
have your last name,
I’ve come to realize
we are still
one and the same.

I know that
I possess venom
that spills
from your

There is mania
inside of me,
and from it
I refuse to flee.

Let this pain,
this trauma,
consume me
and part my soul
like the

No matter how much
I’ve fasted and prayed
these demons
are here
to stay.

I am a wounded healer
and I know
I will be okay.


Darius Phelps is a PhD candidate at Teachers College, Columbia University. An educator, poet, spoken word artist, and activist, Darius writes poems about grief, liberation, emancipation, and reflection through the lens of a teacher of color, as well as experiencing Black boy joy.


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