Hunger Is A Weapon

Federico Erebia

Hunger is a weapon.

The physical and emotional sickness of hunger
is unfathomable to the fortunate.
I was not so fortunate.
Cafeteria Christians at their biblican buffet
would deny children meals in schools.
­ Others would use hunger to bend another to their will.

Hunger is a weapon.

The hunger for love is ­human,
The hunger for ac­cep­tance is human,
The hunger for community is ­human,
The hunger for meaning is ­human,
The hunger for power is human.

Hunger is a weapon.

Hunger for knowledge is formidable
against other weapons.
It was my “ticket out of town.”
Knowledge is mine,
Where no one can see it,
Where no one can find it,
Where no one can take it,
Where I can wield it.


An excerpt from Pedro & Daniel (Levine Querido 2023)

Federico Erebia, a retired physician, woodworker, author, poet, and illustrator, is the recipient of the 2024 Lambda Literary Award for Exceptional New Writer. His debut novel, Pedro & Daniel (Levine Querido 2023), has received awards and other critical acclaim. He lives in Massachusetts with his husband. Visit https://FJEbooks.com for more details.


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