Things Just Don’t Work Like They Used To

Darius Phelps

I used to be someone of great…

Nowadays, I am looked down on
instead of looked up to..

Their frowning faces, mocking tones
leave my mind, body, & soul
oh so cold

I miss the warmth
of their genuine smiles
& the eyes of the child
who couldn’t wait for me
to share my knowledge
my craft.
my power!

Now, in a world full of technology
one I can’t control & don’t understand
I’ve become what I have always feared….
being viewed as useless, desolate, and even obsolete.

For this has been no mere game of trick or treat
maybe it’s time… I finally admit…defeat
My passion has become…

things just don’t work
like they used to


Darius Phelps is a PhD candidate at Teachers College, Columbia University. An educator, poet, spoken word artist, and activist, Darius writes poems about grief, liberation, emancipation, and reflection through the lens of a teacher of color, as well as experiencing Black boy joy.


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Things Just Don’t Work Like They Used To Copyright © 2024 by Darius Phelps is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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