The Grandmother and the Sea

Alicia Partnoy

(Translated by Julia Horton)

Two giants traversed the seashore,
stamping the sand with their footprints.

Fishermen sailed in their sizeable boats,
carrying with them the sea for supper.

Six dolphins glided over the waves,
flesh of the water, blood of a myth.

I wanted my eyes to stow away the sea,
yet all I stole were three little shells.

I picked them up: the most perfect shells,
the ones that had small holes in them–

I dreamed of turning them into pendants
to rest on your hearts, my three sweetie pies.

Poet and human rights activist Alicia Partnoy is the author, translator or editor of twelve books and the chapbook Ecos lógicos y otros poemares. Her work is published in Spanish, English, Hebrew, Turkish, Bangla, and French. Partnoy is best known for The Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival, about her experience as a “disappeared” in Argentina in the 70’s. Partnoy is Professor Emerita at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. https://www.aliciapartnoy.com/


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