North Dakota Snow Angels

Samuel Stinson

Take me out there
Take me out when it is fifteen below
And we are wearing five layers of warm flannel
And outside–show me the northern lights
Point out the north star
Point to the silent winter stars
That blue sky that darkens so late in summer
That dark sky now, that now beams down that bright curtain light
Take me out there now
Take me out now to the snowbank, away from the blowing drifts
To the fresh three feet of untouched snow
To the spot where we lie, brushing our arms up and around
With white wings


Samuel Stinson began developing an interest in writing after he began reading the novels of R.A. Salvatore in 1994. These days, Samuel teaches English and writes for a variety of publications. His most recent publication is Embodied Environmental Risk in Technical Communication, co-edited with Mary Le Rouge.

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