Fill Me

Joe Bisicchia

I don’t want to be empty.
Don’t want to be lost.
I want to be Yours.

And so,
for the long march,
Lord, make me Your shoe.

Make me that way worn,
that way creased,
that way used.

My skin may wrinkle.
Leather may turn
like leaves.
But with You, I am
an indestructible spring.

And, all along,
not a torn sole at all
but one forever new.

Fill me.
Bring me to being.

And let us march
through the dust,
the mud,
the broken glass,
the glitter,
the morning dew.

Joe Bisicchia has nearly four decades of experience in language arts, from journalism and broadcasting, to teaching, marketing, public affairs, and poetry. An Honorable Mention recipient for the Fernando Rielo XXXII World Prize for Mystical Poetry, he has written four published collections of poetry.


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