Book Title: Writing Spaces at Oklahoma State University

Book Description: This resource focuses on the various processes involved in researching answers to various inquiry questions and building effective arguments within and outside academic contexts. The curriculum takes students through the processes of listening/summarizing, asking questions, characterizing scholarly debates, and entering those debates in order to meaningfully contribute to ongoing conversations.
Book Information
Book Description
This resource incorporates and contextualizes material from Writing Spaces. Writing Spaces is, as Dr. Daniel likes to say, the “OG” of all things commercial-free-textbooks for first-year writing. If terms like “book series” and “peer-reviewed essays” or “by teachers for students” or “free” sound reminiscent of Who Teaches Writing, it is because Writing Spaces was and is the inspiration for Who Teaches Writing. Who Teaches Writing was no brain child of ours, but just the end result of us keeping up with good practice from smart people who have been doing this work for many years. Dr. Daniel had the good fortune to serve as web editor for Writing Spaces for a time, and he knows their work well. While we borrowed their process to create our textbook, this textbook uses existing Writing Spaces articles and organizes them around the English 1213 curriculum, along with abstracts and introductions from our editorial team (you’ll be meeting them in each section) to deliver you another commercial free textbook. Not only is it entirely possible to create free textbooks for FYC students, it has been for a while. This is because, well, Writing Spaces has been at it for a minute; as FYC Director, Dr. Daniel does not believe in unnecessary textbook costs.
Writing Spaces at Oklahoma State University Copyright © 2023 by Dr. Joshua Daniel; Dr. Kathy Essmiller; Mark DiFrusio; Natasha Tinsley; Dr. Josiah Meints; Dr. Courtney Lund O'Neil; Dane Howard; and Roseanna Recchia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Language and Linguistics