
Open OKState Fellows

The OSU Libraries’ OpenOKState Fellowship Program is an opportunity to contribute to the success of OSU students, faculty and the state of Oklahoma by facilitating open, customizable access to meaningful teaching, learning, and research resources and experiences.

OpenOKState fellowships are designed to support OSU faculty, instructors, and students actively envisioning and implementing open scholarly practices which broaden access to meaningful research, teaching, and learning opportunities. The program’s goal is to develop an ongoing, growing network of open practitioners. The OpenOKState Fellows application and selection process provides opportunity to identify, value, and cultivate people who demonstrate the creativity, expertise and credibility necessary for sustained engagement with and development of inclusive and equitable scholarly environments. For more information and to apply for fellowships, visit the OSU Libraries’ OpenOKState Fellows page.

Open OKState Faculty Fellows

Dr. Lisa E. Wright

Dr. Lisa E. Wright holds a PhD in Creative Writing Nonfiction from OSU. She is a Lecturer with the University Writing Program at Johns Hopkins University. As an OpenOKState Fellow, Dr. Wright co-authored “Creative Writers Teach Techniques for Analyzing any Text” inĀ Who Teaches Writing, an OER created for use in first year composition courses.

Dr. Alex Bishop

Dr. Alex bishop is developing teaching, learning and research materials for Gerontologic Science that will include traditional written components as well as multimedia resources such as podcasts and interactive elements. He is interviewing subject matter experts from across the U.S.A. to discuss issues such as successful aging, human life expectancy, longevity, and other topics related to the field of Gerontology.

Dr. Ashley Burkett

Dr. Burkett’s course redesign incorporates a creative approach through which she uses the study of dinosaur anatomy, physiology and behavior to introduce students to the scientific process and associated methods of investigation. In addition to conceptualization and creation of the course design, Dr. Burkett created instructional materials and activities which provide an exceptional learning experience for her students. The resources were created specifically to meet the localized needs of her OSU students and are free for those in her course to access and use. Her course design has addressed a gap in her discipline, leveraging a unique pedagogical approach to help students discover how to come to their own conclusions based on evidence. In addition to these benefits to her students and department, Dr. Burkett shares her experience and expertise in creating OER through her service on the OSU OER Working Group.

Dr. Larisa Callaway-Cole

Dr. Callaway-Cole is involved in the OSU OER Working Group and is continuing to learn the ropes of OER as an OpenOKState Fellow. She has contributed to the development of a zero-cost degree program at her previous institution, and continues to develop zero-cost materials for her courses her at OSU. Dr. Callaway-Cole focuses pedagogical tools which support student engagement and decolonizing practices in the curation of course materials.

Dr. Sarah Foss

Dr. Sarah Foss is exploring curation and creation of open and non-commercial resources to support student experiences in the course Plantation to Plate.

Dr. Brian Hosmer

Dr. Brian Hosmer is a professor at Oklahoma State University currently serving as head of the Department of History. Dr. Hosmer’s scholarship includes exploring curation and creation of Oklahoma History open and non-commercial materials which include non-dominant narratives.

Dr. Anand Patel

Dr. Anand Patel is developing teaching, learning and research materials for Intro to Algebraic Geometry. The resource will be a deconstructed mathematics textbook made using the Obsidian knowledge base system. Dr. Patel shared “Ask any graduate student what they think of agebraic geometry, and the response will be a cocktail of fear, respect, and insecurity. I want to show people that the subject is grounded in down-to-earth things.”

Dr. Kathryn Weinland

Dr. Kathryn Weinland is a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology. Her area of scholarship is Speech Communication. Dr. Weinland collaborated with others in her department to curate existing resources to create customized research, teaching and learning materials now being used department-wide in teaching Introduction to Speech Communications and Intercultural Communications classes.

Updated 8.18.2022 by Kathy Essmiller.