
Book Title: Intercultural Communication

Subtitle: A Speech Communication Perspective

Author: Dr. Sasha Hanrahan

Cover image for Intercultural Communication

Book Description: Intercultural Communication is a comprehensive Open Educational Resource that provides a thorough understanding of the complexities involved in communication through multicultural contexts. The book covers various aspects of intercultural communication, including communication models, identity development, religion and culture, cultural differences in communication styles, nonverbal communication, cultural adaptation, cultural business models, and intercultural conflict resolution. Enrichment activities, which may include real life examples and discussion questions, are included within each chapter. Special thank you to previous OER contributors on this work, specifically Dr. Kathryn Weinland, who previously adapted this text and taught this course at Oklahoma State University.

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike


Book Information

Book Description

Intercultural Communication was created to support students enrolled in an upper-division intercultural communication college course but can be used for anyone wanting to learn more about different cultures and intercultural communication competency. This Open Educational Resource provides a thorough understanding of the complexities involved in communication through multicultural contexts. The book begins with a foundational overview of intercultural communication theories and concepts, and then moves on to discuss intercultural communication within the specific contexts of identity formation, family dynamics and structure, historical contexts, religious practices, communication methods, and business models. Enrichment activities, which may include real life examples and discussion questions, are included within each chapter.

Student feedback on the textbook is extremely positive, with several students commenting on the ease of use, clarity of organization, access to the book after the course ends, and the appreciation of a free educational resource. Several students have used the information learned from this textbook in post-college careers, study abroad opportunities, and when communicating with others in everyday life. Overall, this book is a complete guide on intercultural communication that can be applied to a variety of real-world experiences and outcomes.

Book Source

This book is a cloned version of Intercultural Communication by Dr. Kathryn Weinland, published using Pressbooks by Oklahoma State University Libraries under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license. It may differ from the original.


Dr. Sasha Hanrahan


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Intercultural Communication Copyright © 2023 by Kathryn Weinland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Language and Linguistics


Intercultural Communication
Dr. Sasha Hanrahan
Dr. Sasha Hanrahan

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Intercultural Communication Copyright © 2023 by Kathryn Weinland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Primary Subject
Language and Linguistics
Additional Subject(s)
Speaking in public: advice and guides, Writing and editing guides, Cross-cultural / Intercultural studies and topics
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University Libraries
Publisher City
Publication Date
May 1, 2024