
Week Optional: Hollywood’s Dinosaurs


Optional BONUS Activity – Jurassic Park

First of all, this week is OPTIONAL! If you don’t want to complete this or don’t have access to the Original Jurassic Park Movie you DO NOT have to complete this. BUT it is a good bonus point opportunity and many have found completing this exercise a great learning and entertaining experience!

For details go to the [Jurassic Park Movie Quiz]. You will also need the [Notes with Gaps] for Week 8 and the [PowerPoint}.

Optional BONUS Activity-SSI (x2)

There are two Student Surveys of Instruction. One is through the University and can be found in the column to the left titled [Course Evaluations (SSI)]. Once you have completed that please email or message me a screenshot of the completed survey page. You will get 10 BONUS POINTS for this survey.

The other is for me and can be found here: [course Evaluation Burkett]. You will get 10 BONUS POINTS for this survey.

If you don’t watch JP check this out!

After watching the Jurassic Park movie check out a couple of these articles and videos about Dinosaurs in Movies and some specifically about Jurassic Park:

  • Check out some of the other movies this paleontologist offers his opinion on –

Despite the inaccuracies in Jurassic Park, it was one of the first movies to bring dinosaurs to life for the general public. It also was one of the first movies to focus on dinosaurs as animals and not monsters. After the movie Jurassic Park came out, a great deal more funding became available for dinosaur research! That is why there ahve been so many huge leaps in dinosaur discoveries since the 1990d. You will also need the [Notes with Gaps] (minus the JP Movie Notes) for Week 8 and the [PowerPoint}.



Don’t believe me? It’s TRUE! Read the two articles below to help you with the Post Weekly Quiz:

Who pays for Dinosaur Research?

Jurassic Park and the dinosaur explosion

If you want to read more about the history of dinosaur exploration and how it has changed in the last few decades I would suggest the book:

Rise ad Fall Book

If you don’t feel like reading the entire book you can check out the interview by the author, Steve Brusatte.

Required End of the Semester Activities

  • The two remaining items are required for you to finish off the semester. First is the [Exit Survey]. Like the Entry Survey at the beginning of the semester you will receive full credit for completing it.
  • The other assignment is the [Writing Assignment 2 of 2]. This is a no internet written answer exam. The only item you MAY use are your Notes with Gaps.

Did you Complete these on Canvas?

    1. OPTIONAL!!! If you want BONUS POINTS you can watch Jurassic Park and complete this quiz: [Jurassic Park Movie Quiz}
    2. OPTIONAL!!! BONUS POINTS  [Course Evaluations (SSI)]
    3. OPTIONAL!!! BONUS POINTS [Course Evaluation Burkett]
    4. Required [Writing Assignment 2 of 2]
    5. Required [Exit Survey]


  • Previous Week – [Week 7 – Dinosaur Extinction]
  • Week 8 – Finals Week


  • Please complete the SSI, take a screenshot and send it to me for 5  bonus points.
  • Thanks for a great summer semester! It’s been great to work with all of you!



The Story of Dinosaurs Copyright © by Ashley Burkett. All Rights Reserved.