
1 Pedagogy

General Week 1

This week the instructor should focus on getting the students comfortable with the format and orgnization of this course. Whether online or in person, if the exercises and plans provided in this course resource are followed students will know what to expect and when materials are due each week.

Instructor Context Week 1

Several important concepts will be introduced to students this week. Including the scientific method, definition of a dinosaur, and how scientists sutdy dinosaurs despite their demise nearly 66 million years ago. The instructor should gear the level of discussion of these topics to the experience and understanding of thier students. More advanced classes may want to spend more time looking at examples of dinosaur fossils. Conversly, less dvanced courses may spend more time on the scientific method and how it is employed.


Each week there will be a “pre-quiz”, activity, and “post-quiz”. Additionally, in this first week we will also ask students to complete the Entry Survey which can be used in course assessment and student learning through this course.


The Story of Dinosaurs Copyright © by Ashley Burkett. All Rights Reserved.