High School

Joe Bisicchia

To be, or not
to be somewhat fascinating.
I won’t always be
boorish, sophomoric.
Soon, I’ll be a junior and then
a senior and carry myself
with proper erudite demeanor.
Here I am experiencing the ages
firsthand. Beyond the books,
within the geometry circles,
it all comes alive. Yes, the ages
have long been alive. And I am
part of it, as if this is the way
of all time. So, I’m pleased
to sit with Lincoln at lunch.
His beard, while eating pizza,
at first a distraction. But then
I feel my own cheese sloppily
on my own chin. Ah, my own
early mozzarella of wisdom.


Joe Bisicchia has nearly four decades of experience in language arts, from journalism and broadcasting, to teaching, marketing, public affairs, and poetry. An Honorable Mention recipient for the Fernando Rielo XXXII World Prize for Mystical Poetry, he has written four published collections of poetry.

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