
5 Are We Heading Towards a Future We Cannot Control?

Payam Rahmati and Yaser Shamsi


Recent technological advances have led to the emergence of new AI tools, which are starting to transform nearly all aspects of our lives. As more intelligent and capable tools emerge nearly every day, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a hypothetical type of AI that could surpass human capabilities, has sparked significant attention across different groups. In contrast to narrow AI, which often relies on algorithms and is limited in its capabilities, AGI can “reason and adapt to new environments and different types of data” (Betz, 2023, para. 6). While we are still a long way from developing such AI that can potentially outsmart humans, some experts and industry representatives are raising concerns about control, safety, and unforeseen consequences. Some scholars, known as “doomers”, have even warned that such AI could become hostile to humans and threaten our existence. Many of these government officials, scholars, and other experts believe there should be restrictions on developing such highly autonomous systems that could surpass human intelligence.
Nevertheless, others, such as AGI developers and researchers, known as “boomers”, argue against placing restrictions on the development of AGI, emphasizing the many potential benefits that AGI could create for society. They highlight the importance of freedom in AI research development and point out that economic growth could be hindered if strict restrictions are placed on the development of AGI.
In summary, doomers and boomers hold strong views regarding the necessity of regulating the advancement of AI. In this simulation, you will take one of these sides. In the next section of this chapter, you will learn more about the pros and cons of regulating AI development and the important skills you will gain by participating in this simulation.


This simulation invites you to think critically about the regulation of AGI development and reflect on the potential implications of regulatory control. Discussions will be crucial in understanding whether regulatory policies need to be implemented to oversee the development of artificial general intelligence. The simulation begins with an introduction to AGI and delves into potential timelines for its future introduction. Then, you will learn about the potential benefits and risks of AGI development. The simulation enables you to synthesize relevant information from credible sources to construct a compelling argument in favor of or against the necessity of regulating AGI development and articulate your stance effectively. After reflecting on the role-play, you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge by writing a newspaper article, producing a podcast episode, or writing an essay.

As shown below, the simulation has five distinct phases.

How the simulation works

Phase Phase Description Activities
1 Activation Discussions 1 & 2

Reading 1

2 Comprehension Listening 1

Reading 2

Role Assignment / Role  Preparation

3 Simulation Role Play
4 Reflection Debriefing Activity

Critical Reflections

5 Application Newspaper Article, Podcast, or Essay

You will gain a number of important skills as you participate in the simulation. These skills are sequenced from simple tasks such as defining and describing to more complex tasks such as synthesizing and evaluating.

After completing this simulation, you will be able to:

  • define AGI and key terms related to its development
  • describe the potential benefits and risks associated with AGI development
  • compare narrow AI with general AI
  • make predictions about the future of humankind with the emergence of AGI
  • summarize the pros and cons of AGI development
  • synthesize information about AGI development using both lectures and reading passages
  • argue for or against AGI regulation
  • evaluate the positions taken in the simulation

Phase 1: Activation

In this simulation stage, you will build background knowledge of AI and AGI to prepare yourself for the listening, reading, and research activities in Phase 2: Comprehension. This stage will also allow you to share your initial insights and experiences with your classmates.

Discussion Activity 1

Work in a small group. Discuss the following questions and be ready to share your responses with the class.

  1. What do you think about the rapid development of AGI?
  2. Do you anticipate a point in the future when we are no longer able to control AGI? Why? Why not?
  3. How do you foresee AGI influencing various industries?
  4. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of AGI?
  5. What ethical considerations should be taken into account when developing AGI?
  6. What challenges and opportunities does the development of AGI present?
  7. What role should governments, industries, and the general public play in shaping the ethical guidelines and policies governing AGI development?


Discussion Activity 2

Listen to the interview “Experts issue a dire warning about AI and encourage limits be imposed” and share your understanding of AGI with your classmates. Discuss the following questions:

  1. How does Professor Niekum use the example of the robot and the ladder to explain the alignment problem?
  2. Why do some AI developers now feel that AI must be regulated?
  3. What are some harmful consequences we are seeing from AI already?
  4. How does Professor Niekum describe AGI?


Reading Activity 1

Read the article What is OpenAI Project Q*? AGI Superintelligence Explained. Discuss the following questions with a classmate.

  1. What is Project Q* AGI?
  2. What ethical concerns have OpenAI researchers raised about Project Q*?
  3. How does Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, describe AGI?
  4. What was the reaction to his statement?

Phase 2: Comprehension

The purpose of this phase is to help you expand your knowledge of the debates around online education and accessibility. You will watch one short video and read two texts. In Listening Activity 2, The video will provide you with some background information on accessibility. Review the questions below before watching the video. For Reading Activity 1, you will answer a series of comprehension questions. For Reading Activity 2, you will define some key terms and write a descriptive summary of the text.


Listening Activity 1

Listen to the selection from the TED Talk The Exciting Perilous Journey Toward AGI by Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI chief scientist and then answer the following questions:

  1. Timestamp – 0:00-1:20
    1. Given the rate of progress of AI, what question does Illya raise?
  2. Timestamp – 1:20-4:46
    1. How does Illya define artificial intelligence?
    2. What motivated him to pursue a career in the field of AI?
    3. How does he envision the future of digital brains?
  3. Timestamp – 4:46-7:01
    1. What is the difference between AI and AGI?
    2. How can AGI impact the healthcare industry?
  4. Timestamp – 7:01-12:24
    1. How does he foresee the future of AGI?


Reading Activity 2

Read the article Rise of artificial general intelligence: risks and opportunities and write a 200 word summary using one of the following prompts.

Summary Prompt 1: Based on the article, write a summary essay in which you address both the major risks and benefits associated with the development of AGI (word limit 200 words).
Summary Prompt 2: With the continued development of AGI, what does the author suggest are possible outcomes for the future of humankind? (word limit: 200 words)

Phase 3: Simulation

In this phase, you will be given a role to play in a simulated discussion event (e.g., a 45-minute panel discussion). It is important that you understand the context and your role to prepare for the role-playing.

The Context

The potential benefits and risks associated with the development of AGI have garnered considerable attention among members of the media, industry, and government. The Modernization and Technology Committee of the State of Oklahoma House of Representatives is holding a special session for AGI developers, scholars, government officials, and industry representatives to discuss whether the development of AGI should be regulated.

Agenda: Should the development of AGI be regulated, or should companies be able to develop AGI without restrictions in Oklahoma?

You will be assigned a role to play in this simulation phase. There are five participant roles on each side of the debate and one moderator role.

Moderator: Government Modernization and Technology Committee Chair

Your task is to introduce the issue at the beginning of the panel discussion, welcome the participants, and moderate the discussions. Allow every participant (role) about 3-5 minutes to talk and ensure everyone gets a turn to express their opinion. Times may vary depending on class size and time limit. Develop one question for each group’s presentation and ask the question after their presentation. The moderator role can be played by students or the course instructor.


Role 1. AGI Researcher


Role 2. OpenAI Representative (AGI Developer)


  • You oppose regulating AGI development as you believe its benefits outweigh its perceived risks. You argue that, in contrast to the evident advantages of AGI, concerns about potential risks are speculative and may lack validity.
  • Potential source:

Role 3. Economic Analyst


Role 4. Environmentalist


Role 5. Medical Doctor



Role 6.


Role 7. Legal Scholar


Role 8. Privacy Representative


Role 9. Cybersecurity Expert


Role 10. Arts Representative


Phase 4: Reflection

In this phase, you will critically assess the simulation and consider the persuasiveness of each argument.

Debriefing Activity: I

In small groups, discuss the following questions. Be prepared to share your thoughts with the whole class.

  1. What did you think about the topic for this simulation? Were you already familiar with it?
  2. Was it easy or difficult to create an argument for your side of the issue? Why?
  3. What did you think of your role in the simulation? Did you personally agree or disagree with your role’s required stance on the issue?

Critical Reflection Activity

In small groups, discuss the following questions. Be prepared to share your thoughts with the whole class.

  1. Did any participants/groups make particularly persuasive arguments? If so, which one/s? What made the arguments more persuasive?
  2. Did any of the participants/groups make arguments that you thought were weak? If so, what were the arguments? What made them weak?
  3. Which individual participant did you find the most knowledgeable / most persuasive in the role play? Why?
  4. Which group did you find most persuasive? Why?

Phase 5: Application

In this final phase, you will synthesize your understanding of AGI and the potential benefits and risks associated with its development, integrating these insights into a compelling and coherent argument. You can refer to the lectures, readings, and class discussions to support your argument. You can choose one of the following options:

OPTION 1: Letter to the Editor

You are writing a letter to the editor of your university’s newspaper. The purpose of your letter is to present your stance on the ongoing discussion around regulating the development of AGI. Through your letter, you aim to influence the university’s policymakers to take a stand on AGI development.

Prompt: In the form of a letter to the editor, write about AGI development to raise the audiences’ awareness of the potential effects that AGI development can have on society. In the letter, express your opinion about the necessity of regulating AGI. Support your argument by drawing upon the various perspectives in the lectures, reading passages, and class discussions. Use a catchy title for your letter to draw people in. Your letter should be 300-500 words long.

Option 2: Podcast Episode

You are creating an episode for your university’s podcast, where you express your viewpoint on the current debate about the regulation of AGI development. Your objective with this episode is to persuade the policymakers at your university to adopt a position on the matter of AGI development.

Prompt: Write a script for a podcast about the necessity of regulating AGI development and its implications. Then, using the script, create an episode of your university’s podcast. Post your episode to the podcast hosting platform of your choice (e.g. Podbean, Buzzsprout, Soundcloud, etc.). Your podcast episode should be 5-10 minutes in length.

Option 3: Argumentative Essay

Prompt: Write an argumentative essay in which you argue in favor or against regulating AGI development. You should use the information provided in the simulation and/or the briefings and acknowledge the arguments different from your own. Your essay should be 300-500 words.

Option 4: News Segment 

You have been invited by your university’s news program to share your opinion about the regulation of AGI. Your goal is to persuade the policymakers at your university to take action regarding AGI development.

Prompt: Write a script for a news segment about the necessity of regulating AGI development and its implications. Then, using the script, video record yourself sharing your opinion about AGI development. Post your news segment to YouTube. Your news segment should be 5-10 minutes.


Betz, S. (2023, June 13). What Is Artificial General Intelligence? Builtin. Retrieved from https://builtin.com/artificial-intelligence/artificial-general-intelligence

Binns, C. (2023, April 12). The promise – and pitfalls – of medical AI headed our way. Stanford. Retrieved from https://news.stanford.edu/2023/04/12/advances-generalizable-medical-ai/

Burt, A. (2023, May 16). The Digital World Is Changing Rapidly. Your Cybersecurity Needs to Keep Up. Cybersecurity And Digital Privacy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2023/05/the-digital-world-is-changing-rapidly-your-cybersecurity-needs-to-keep-up

Buttazzo, G. (2023). Rise of artificial general intelligence: risks and opportunities. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6, 1226990. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3389/frai.2023.1226990

Fadel, L. (2023, June 1). Experts issue a dire warning about AI and encourage limits be imposed [Radio broadcast]. Npr. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1179030677

IBM Education. (2023, July 11). The benefits of AI in healthcare. https://www.ibm.com/blog/the-benefits-of-ai-in-healthcare/

Isidore, Ch. (2023, July 18). AI is a concern for writers. But actors could have even more to fear. CNN. Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/18/business/ai-actors-strike/index.htmlMatlali, L. (2023, June 5). Cybersecurity and AI: The challenges and opportunities. World Economic Forum. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/06/cybersecurity-and-ai-challenges-opportunities/

McKinsey Digital (2023, June 14). The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier. retrieved from https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-economic-potential-of-generative-ai-the-next-productivity-frontier#introduction

O’Sullivan, I. (2023, November 24). What is OpenAI Project Q*? AGI Superintelligence Explained. Tech.co. Retrieved from https://tech.co/news/what-is-openai-project-q-star-agi-superintelligence

Pearce, G. (2021, May 28). Beware the Privacy Violations in Artificial Intelligence Applications. ISACA. Retrieved from https://www.isaca.org/resources/news-and-trends/isaca-now-blog/2021/beware-the-privacy-violations-in-artificial-intelligence-applications
Rosen, M. (2023, February 2). Can AI Violate Copyright? A New Lawsuit Argues Yes. AEI. Retrieved from https://www.aei.org/technology-and-innovation/can-ai-violate-copyright-a-new-lawsuit-argues-yes/
Straub, J. (2017, October 22). Does regulating artificial intelligence save humanity or just stifle innovation? The conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/does-regulating-artificial-intelligence-save-humanity-or-just-stifle-innovation-85718

Thomson Reuters Foundation (2021, August 11). Here’s how AI can help fight climate change. World Economic Forum. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/08/how-ai-can-fight-climate-change/

Vallance, Ch. (2022, April 20). Actors launch campaign against AI ‘show stealers’. BBC. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-61166272
Western Governors University (2021, September 29). How AI Is Affecting Information Privacy and Data. Information Technology. Retrieved from https://www.wgu.edu/blog/how-ai-affecting-information-privacy-data2109.html#closeWiggers, K. (2023, January 27). The current legal cases against generative AI are just the beginning. Techcrunch. Retrieved from https://techcrunch.com/2023/01/27/the-current-legal-cases-against-generative-ai-are-just-the-beginning/

About the authors

Yaser Shamsi is a Ph.D. student in TESOL and Applied Linguistics at Oklahoma State University. Currently serving as a graduate research assistant, he has been part of a technology development team working on Dissemity, an online AI-powered tool designed to incorporate genre-based instruction into writing for publication purposes. Yaser has also been teaching English as a second language and English for specific purposes (ESP) for many years. His research interests involve second language acquisition, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large Language Models (LLMs), automated writing evaluation, and genre analysis.


Simulations for Critical Discussion in Higher Education Copyright © by Dr. Stephanie Link. All Rights Reserved.